1 year ago

✅ 05/18/24 — Thursday May 18, 2023 HOLY SPIRIT LEAD! The word from the LORD today: #FREEDOM which leads us to #LIBERTY in the sound doctrine HOLY SCRIPTURE which is GOD-breathed!

Today: BIG MATT walked by as he does daily, and Matt said to me today from across the corner at CPARK, at the corner of Paseo Camarillo and Carmen Drive, Camarillo, CA, “what Book are you in Robert.” Matt’s a young man who has faith in Jesus Christ, he’s asking about which Book of the Holy Bible are we in today; the sound doctrine, The Book of the Prophecy, the HOLY BIBLE.

I yelled back with a BIG smile across the street, humble to God, “JOB 33!”,

Matt a 19 year old young man who graduated ACHS approx. 2 years ago; looked like he didn’t hear me.

I yelled again LOUD, “JOB 33”, he acknowledged that he got it that time and then he smiled and walked on to his crib where he stays. PRAISE GOD!

ALL THE GLORY2GOD! PRAISE THE LORD! HALLELUYAH! BMX Ministry Official Worldwide And The Read The Bible Campaign at The Gathering Christian Church at CPARK. It’s all about God and Jesus Christ in heaven! PRAISE THE LORD! Donald J. Trump, The Robert Smart, Jeff Bottema, Scot Breithaupt, Butler Goldie! PRAISE GOD! #MAGA #SMART Go listen to JAUN O SAVIN at RUMBLE, he’s a good friend of TRUMP! “Stop questioning Trump, help him.” God said to me in 2o16. REMEMBER: The devil will not prevail, CHRIST REIGNS SUPREME! Take courage! Seek the LORD and live. Humble yourself to God. Quit doing life your way and start doing life God’s way. REPENT! 🇺🇸❌37

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