Did you know this about the 144.000 in revelation

1 year ago

According to Revelation 7:4, the 144,000 are actual jews living during the end-times seven-year tribulation.
Their mission is to evangelize the post-rapture world and proclaim the gospel during the tribulation period.
Revelation 7:5-8 states that they are 12,000 taken from every tribe of the children of Israel.
They are 144,000 that are “sealed” and have special protection and are kept safe from divine judgments and the wrath of the Antichrist during the tribulation.
The 144,000 are not the same as the “great multitude” mentioned in Revelation 7:9. But the “great multitude” is a result of their ministry in the tribulation
The 144,000 show that God is faithful to His promises and remind us that God is in control even during times of great tribulation.
The 144,000 gives hope to new believers during difficult times of the tribulation.
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