SOLAR FLASH UPDATE MAY 20th 2023 InterDimensional Portal Appears - 5 Ways To Enter New 5D Earth

1 year ago

Jupiter is creating an interdimensional portal to the new 5D earth. How do we cross over? Here are some tips to to help you cross over....IN the month of May 2023, Jupiter will be crossing over two eclipse points. Whenever this happens, the power of consciousness expands exponentially. This will happen twice in one month. This period will be extremely powerful for light workers to focus their energies to create 5D earth.LIGHTWORKERS AND STARSEEDS PAY ATTENTION! THE SHIFT IS HERE. BEFORE THE ASCENSION BEGINS, EVERYTHING ON EARTH IS GOING TO CHANGE! YOUR TIME HAS COME PREPARE YOURSELVES! THE SOLAR FLASH ASCENSION IS HERE NOW. IT OFFICIALLY STARTED ON JANUARY 2ND AT 7:30 AM EST. I AM SHIFTING INTO 5D. 5D LIGHT BEINGS ARE SHOWING ME UNBELIEVABLE BEAUTIFUL TRUTHS ABOUT WHO WE REALLY ARE. ARE YOU READY TO EXPAND INTO BEING A GOD?
#solarflash #ascension #5dshift #starseeds #lightworkers #aliens #extraterrestrials #ce5
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