How to play Paco Ŝako (Peace Chess)

1 year ago

Learn the rules to the board game Paco Ŝako quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original rules of Chess, check out this video:

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The rules are the same as regular chess except for these changes. For a refresher of those rules, check out this video. The object of the game is to be the first player to create a union between one of your pieces and your opponent’s king.

Pieces do not capture opponent’s pieces. Instead, they form unions by connecting the pieces together on the same square. Pieces in unions may be moved by both players, however, each player may only move the union piece with the movement ability of the piece they control in the union. Union pieces may not join in union with other pieces and pieces may not leave a union unless the union is taken over.

To take over a union, move a piece that isn’t in a union to a union space and replace your piece in that space with the new one, now immediately move that freed piece to another available space using its normal movement, which may include forming a new union or taking other another union. You can chain together as many take over moves as you want that are available in a single turn, however you may not endlessly chain an infinite loop. You are only allowed to take over a union with your own piece, you may not replace an opponent’s piece.

Pawns can only join a union with a diagonal attack move. If a pawn is returned to its starting 1st or 2nd row, it regains its double step move option. En passant is allowed like normal by creating a union on the passed over space. A pawn already in a union may not perform en passant. Pawns promote like normal. Pawns in unions promote like normal regardless of which player moved them to their farthest row.

The king is not allowed to create new unions, take over existing unions, or partake in a union chain. When you threaten to unite with your opponent’s king on the next turn, whether directly, or through a chain, that king is in “Sako”. Players do not need to inform their opponent of “Sako”. If the threat of union is inevitable, then the king is in “Paco” and they lose. Castling is allowed like normal so long as the King isn’t in Sako, passes through Sako, or ends in Sako.

The first player to unite one of their pieces with their opponent wins. If this is impossible for either player, then the game ends in a draw.

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