Camden County Missouri Stands Up to ATF Unconstitutional Regulation

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Stung By the ATF: Camden County Refuses to Help an Agency They Say Has Been 'Weaponized'

by Nathan Bechtold/Lake Expo, with reporting by Kevin Hardy/The Kansas City Star

Apr 7, 2023 Updated Apr 24, 2023

CAMDEN COUNTY, Mo. — A standoff appears to be developing between Camden County officials and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. The ATF has asked county staff for information about local licensed firearms dealers, and the county is refusing to comply.

In a press conference on Friday, Presiding Commissioner Ike Skelton announced the county was submitting a response to the ATF's inquiries. A defiant tone was univocal among the commissioners at the press conference. After Skelton read the letter and spoke briefly, 1st District Commissioner James Gohagan said the only comment he wished to make was, "I think the only thing the ATF’s good at really is murdering innocent dogs, and we don’t want you in Camden County, and I think we’ve made that pretty clear."

The county's letter to the ATF's request was indignant:

Amy M. Borkowski
ATF Senior Industry Operations Investigator

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#ATF #UnconstitutionalFederalRegulations #FederalGovernmentWeaponizedAgainstWeThePeople

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