Whole Bible Applications: Circumcision

1 year ago

Bruce S. Bertram of The Word of God Ministries and http://www.wholebible.com looks at the application of circumcision to a whole Bible believer's walk.

In the NASB the English word circumcise and its' variants are mentioned at least 99 times, 45 of which are in the New Testament and 36 of those are in Paul's letters. Genesis chapter 17 accounts for ten of the mentions, not including the chapter heading. It is a physical act where the foreskin of the male body part used for procreation is removed and was a 'sign' of the covenant with Abraham instituted long before the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai.

Other body parts can be circumcised, and with greater effect. Twice in Deuteronomy circumcision of the heart is mentioned, one of these connecting circumcision with loving God. Jeremiah also speaks of circumcising the heart (4:4, 9:25, 26) and that ears can be uncircumcised (6:10). It seems clear that circumcision has more to do with a response to God than a cutting of the flesh. To have ears that refuse to listen and a heart of stone that won't abide is the same as being uncircumcised. Even if a piece of flesh has been removed here and there.

For more information our books Whole Bible Christianity: Blessings Pressed Down and Overflowing, Nicolaitan: Lords of Hypocrisy and Whole Bible Prophecy: Horror and Hope are available on Amazon.

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