Homewise Radio - The BIGGEST Mortgage Mistake of All - 05.21.2023

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Listen to HomeWise Radio Sunday mornings at 9amCT on NewsTalkSTL 101.9, 94.1, and 99.1 HD3

0:00 SEG 1 Homes for Heroes | Shopping for your settlement charges | Financing is a large contributor to what the cost of a home will be over time | Buy downs | Settlement charges include appraisal fees, title fees, insurance, inspections, and admin fees

18:47 SEG 2 Loan estimate | Can you shop for settlement charges? | Not able to pick the appraiser anymore | Not able to question the appraiser | Disputing the appraisal | What if the square footage or number of rooms is wrong?

37:14 SEG 3 What happens when there are no consumer-facing systems set up in order to shop around? | Shopping for title insurance

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