20230514 The 9/11 WarRoom

1 year ago


11 May 2023 — Aaron Rodgers may be a 9/11 truther, and his first Jets game is on 9/11

10 May 2023 — LSU's Flau'jae Johnson removes rap video with controversial 9/11 lyric, school apologizes

Video clip...

11 May 2023 — Conspiracy Theorists May Not Always Think Rationally, but They Don’t Generally Believe Contradictory Claims
HIT PIECE BY Association for Psychological Science

"Future work needs to investigate how this statistical artifact may influence other findings related to conspiratorial thinking, van Prooijen added. For example, research suggests that belief in one conspiracy theory (e.g., “9/11 was an inside job”) predicts belief in unrelated conspiracy theories (e.g., “climate change is a hoax”). But this correlation could appear larger than it actually is because of data from participants who believe both official stories and disbelieve both conspiracy theories, he explained. "


27 September 2022 — How to never forget what happened on Sept. 11
A photographer explores acts of reflection two decades after the attack.
By Jason Alpert-Wisnia


14 May 2023 — The Case for Propelled Demolition at the Twin Towers: By Wayne H. Coste, PE

13 May 2023 — Former DEA Agent Details How the CIA Concealed Identity of Two 9/11 Hijackers Granted Visas to the U.S. From the FBI
By Joshua Shoenfeld

Is it possible for the planes that flew into WTC 1 & 2 to fly that fast at that altitude?
"Yes, it can easily be done." ~John L Bursill, Licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Sydney, Australia
https://au . linkedin . com/in/john-bursill-68938419

WTC7 Collapses During Interview


RFK Gives Russell Brand a History Lesson on the U.S. Bioweapons Program

"Then 9/11 happens, and 9/11, the neocons bring off of the shelf the patriot act, which basically is the beginning of the surveillance state in our country. Nobody reads it.The only congressman to read it was my campaign manager Dennis Kucinich, and he was in Congress at that time. And he told me not one copy was available to any congressman.350 act that suddenly appeared the day after 9/11.And that dismantles basically the United States Constitution. Interestingly, that act, which nobody read, had a provision in it that revokes effectively the Geneva Convention and the Nixon's bioweapons charter. So it basically relaunched the bioweapons arms race. There were two guys who were blocking it, Patrick Leahy and Tom Dashell. A week later they're stopping it. They're not going to let it pass. A week later they get envelopes filled with anthrax in their offices. Congress is shut down. They’re shut up. And while Congress is shut down, the Patriot Act gets passed and the Patriot Act relaunches the arms race, military begins. And by the way, that anthrax, which was also used as the excuse for going into Iraq and invading Iraq because Saddam Hussein did it, we were told, it turns out after a two year investigation, the FBI came back and said that anthrax was Ames Anthrax, highly sophisticated. There’s only one place in the world that could have come from Fort Dietrich, which is the CIA Pentagon lab."



Aaron Rodgers

Shyam Sunder disgust filter

John Gross disgust filter

Donald Rumsfeld disgust filter

George Orwell & WTC7
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.". ― George Orwell, 1984.

Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams road sign

WTC1 meets the Beastie Boys album cover

Pump 7


The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

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