I've Got Your Apocalypse Right Here. Friday Night Firelight w/ Brian Brawdy - May 19, 2023

1 year ago

Let’s not bury the lede.

Years ago, someone stole the original meaning, the etymology of the word #Apocalypse.

Well, tonight, on an all-new Friday Night Firelight, 9 PM EST,


I’m stealing it back; talk about a #Cataclysm.

It’s time to uncover who you really are and bring the #WarOnWuss

Come sit by the fire and see what the flames have to say to you!

@NutrientSurvival @firebuggz4097 @TelestreamTube

#Mortalup #Preparedness #resilience #mentalhealth #alterego #alpha #Instinct #Intution

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