90 Minute REM Full Restful sleep cycle.

1 year ago

Throughout the night we cycle thru this 90 minute session several times to get a complete restful sleep and wake up refreshed. Some may need this during the day and yet not mess with the night time routine. This 90 minutes will refresh your mind and body so you can go about a productive day. Remember this uses Binaural Beats and without headphone you may not hear anything because there is no distracting audio track. Do not crank up the volume as loud binauls may give you a headache, so avoid that by playing at 20% volume and relax, close your eyes for the 90 minutes, now I have not added a wake up bell or any exercises in this track, I may add them in the future if enough of you request it. I wouls also invite you to stop by my new landing page and check me out further. https://geniusbalancing.com/mysite/GoodVibrations do not attempt to play this while driving, you may fall asleep, plus driving with headsets is illegal in most states here in the USA. Please help support my efforts so I can continue to provide more content for you. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=4KTETN8ZGLQ7L please consider https://goodvibrations-soundtherapy.my.canva.site/

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