Ep 325 Our Brains Are Designed to Make Us Happy Interview With Liam Naden Teacher and Author

1 year ago

I got to interview Liam Naden.

Liam went from millionaire to homeless in his mid-40s, this after decades of studying "success". In rebuilding his life, he discovered the true reason why we get the results we do in our lives. He now helps others to overcome their problems and end frustrations through his courses and podcasts. He also works with couples and individuals to help them heal and improve their relationships and is the author of the recently-published book, "Marriage Uncounseling: A Counterintuitive Approach to Healing Relationships and Bringing Back Love."

We spoke about:

1:26 Going from multi millionaire to being homeless.

5:51 Success was coming to me.

11:26 Moving from one stressful situation to another.

12:01 Not knowing what success really looks like.

18:36 Being happy.

22:31 You have a choice in what things in your life mean.

24:51 Only difference in if you're happy or not is the way you look at things.

26:06 Our brains are designed to make us happy.

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