The Imnermost way - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev) Valaam Monastery

1 year ago

Brothers and sisters, may God bless you. You don't have to donate anything, but if you want to, you'll help me a lot.

1. Ringing of the bells 0:00
2. Come, let us worship… 00:38
3. Exaltation to Ss Sergius and Herman of Valaam 02:15
4. Open Thy fatherly embrace… 03:49
5. The «Ierikhonskaya» Cherubic Hymn 07:37
6. Stanza for the Veneration 17:58
7. Penitential verse (tone four) 22:56
8. As many of you as have been baptised in Christ… 25:09
9. The Jesus Prayer 29:40
10. Troparion for the Second Antiphon of the Holy and Great Friday (tone six) 30:37
11. Prosomoion for «Postavisha» (tone three) 33:12
12. Stanza for the Praises of the Fifth Sunday of Lent (tone one) 35:12
13. Penitential verses (tone two) 38:26
14. The Seventeenth Kathisma 41:43
15. Stanza for the burial of monks (tone six) 54:40
16. May your memory be eternal 57:16

The Imnermost way - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev) Valaam Monastery
Најкраћи пут - јерођакон Герман (Рјабцев) Валаамски манастир
Най-съкровеният път - йеродякон Германски (Рябцев) манастир Валаам
უპირობო გზა - იეროდიაკონის გერმანიის (რიაბცევის) მონასტერი ვალაამი
Απώτερος τρόπος - Ιεροδιάκονο Γερμανικό (Ryabtsev) Μοναστήρι Valaam
Ամենամեծ ճանապարհը - Գերմանական (Ռյաբցև) Հիերոսարկավագ Վալաամի վանք
Calea cea mai apropiată - Ierodiaconul German (Ryabtsev) Mănăstirea Valaam
Сокровенный путь - Иеродиакон Германский (Рябцев) монастырь Валаам

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