Death by Entertainment (VHS, 2000)

1 year ago

Death by Entertainment: How the Media Manipulates the Masses - Jeremiah Films (VHS, 2000)


Feb 1, 2023
A moral panic video from 2000 made by Jeremiah Films. I don't agree with the opinions reflected in the video; I am uploading this for archival purposes. The back of the slipcover reads:

"We are in the midst of an entertainment revolution. Never before have so many media alternatives been available to the masses: Movies, TV, Music, Computer Games, MTV, The News, The Internet... All are in fierce competition for our time, money, and affections. Is there any cause for alarm? This hard hitting investigation takes you inside the multi-billion dollar a year entertainment/communications industry and examines its impact on society.
* How does violence in media influence real-life violence?
* Are we really getting the truth from the news?
* Why is occult and sexually oriented programming on the rise?
* Why does the MPAA insist on using a faulty movie rating system?
* How do entertainment industry insiders actually feel about Judeo-Christian values?
* Why is Hollywood determined to change the moral landscape of our nation?
* Are the arts being used as part of a global conditioning process?
* How is easier access to violent and sexually explicit material affecting our children?
* How can discerning parents teach children to be media savvy?

This important video is must viewing for anyone who is concerned with the future direction of our country."

Song 1 of 4
L Groupe, BMI
Adventure & Achievement (Industrial)
Song 2 of 4
Orchestra,Full Orchestra,Percussion,Military Drum,Confident,
Infernal Medicine-14494
Song 3 of 4
Pete Surdoval, ASCAP
Electronica (Up Tempo)
Glass Houses-14494
Song 4 of 4
Ensembles,Electronic Ensemble,Keyboard,Keyboards,Synthesizer

Product details
Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.6 x 4.16 x 0.82 inches; 6.08 Ounces
Run time ‏ : ‎ 1 hour
Release date ‏ : ‎ May 25, 2000
Date First Available ‏ : ‎ June 27, 2006
Studio ‏ : ‎ Jeremiah Films
ASIN ‏ : ‎ 1576180158
Customer Reviews:

Top review from the United States
Tried by Fire
1.0 out of 5 stars Death By Entertainment
Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2008
My pastor showed this film to our church tonight. He gave a brief warning to parents who had brought their young children that they might want to be aware of one scene that could present a problem to some parents. He suggested that the parent cover their child's eyes, if need be. I am in my 50's. When I was a lost heathen, I gave myself to the entertainment industry, especially horror films. It took years for me to get some of images out of my mind. I was so troubled, even sickened by seeing these horrific images portrayed as the commentator explained how the devil has duped the masses through the media. It really is unnecessary to show all that Jeremiah Films shows in this film.

Phil. 4:8 came to my mind as I walked out of the showing of this film. I am to set no wicked thing before my eyes. These images are filled with violence, sex, gay life scenes, the depictions of demons, witchcraft and blood. I found it very disturbing. I know if I am close to the Lord that His Spirit prompts me to turn away from things that grieve Him. Whatever I view with my eyes causes me to think. I cannot reason away one principle of the Scriptures in order to make provision for another. Whatsoever things are just, pure, lovely and of good report, if there by any virtue and if there be any praise -- think on THESE things.

This film may deal with the first two guidelines presented to us in Phil. 4:8 -- it may deal with truth, and it may deal with it honestly. But there is absolutely nothing left in the film that fits the rest of these guidelines. I felt I was being assaulted and I just had to walk out of the film. I know enough to say this -- if you want to remain close to the Lord, you still must guard your eyes as to what you see. If God hates violence, then we aren't to put violence before our eyes. If God hates wickedness, then we cannot entertain ourselves with images that show vile, lewd and demonically-inspired flashes of pictures. Those images are still in the mind. And these images still grieve the Holy Spirit. So, if you are sensitive to the Holy Spirit and have true godly discernment, remain pure and don't put things before your eyes that can give you problems. I thank GOD for the redemption I have in Christ and for bringing me out of the Steven King/Exorcist filth that I used to find so thrilling. I now wretch at it and flee it!
5 people found this helpful

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Captivated Finding Freedom (1:47:07)

Death by Entertainment (1:05:01)

Mass Propaganda Mass Media (1:12:52)


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