Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks " Alignment with business goals " Phoenix

1 year ago

Welcome to another recording! This audio segment was recorded on 8/29/15 in Phoenix, Az. In this segment Abraham chooses a hot seater with a question "alignment with business goals. " Abraham jumps right in to explain that she has the jest of what she is doing vibrationally, but she could fine tune it, threw another subject.And before you know it a majority of your subjects will have vibrational wind on your vibrational sail and so you gain momentum in your vibration and you also get more of what you want. The more each subject in our lives, feels better to us the more free flowing our lives feel. In other words by ignoring or better yet, by choosing to make a subject feel good, and then going off into another subject and making that feel good you can come back to the original subject and make that even better. The one thing we must be sure before we start any of this is that we must be in a good feeling place.Once that is handled it's up to us to feel our way threw it!For further details on this recording and so much more, please visit www.abraham-hicks.com. And if you are enjoying this content please like my video, and subscribe to my channel so that I can continue to bring you this life changing material! Thank you so much for your support, I truly treasure each and every one who tunes in to these videos! #manifesting #abrahamhicks #estherhicks #manifestation #vortex #selfcare #selfhealing #selflove #lawofattraction #alignment #basking #broadcaster #innerbeing #innerguidance #thewobblefreezone #divineguidance #divine #divinetiming #selfimprovement #selfhelp #universe

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