Motivation For Today. May 20 We Dare Not Doubt

1 year ago

May 20

We Dare Not Doubt

I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. (Isaiah 45:2)

This was for Cyrus, but it is forever the heritage of all the Lord’s own spiritual servants. If we go forward by faith, our way will be cleared for us. Twists and turns of human craft and satanic subtlety will be made straight for us. We will not need to track their devious windings. The gates of brass will be broken, and the iron bars that fastened them will be cut apart. We will not need the battering ram or the crowbar.

The Lord Himself will do the impossible for us, and the unexpected will be a fact. Let us not sit down in cowardly fear. Let us press onward in the path of duty, for the Lord hath said it: I will go before you. We do not need to try to figure out and understand the reason for the Lord’s orders, but it is our duty to courageously dash forward. It is the Lord’s work, and He will enable us to do it.

All obstacles must yield before Him. He has said, I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. What can hinder His purpose or resist His decrees? Those who serve God have infinite resources. The way is clear to faith, though it may be barred to human strength. When God says, I will, as He does twice in this promise, we dare not doubt.

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