How to Transfer Your Raw DNA Data for Genealogy and Family History with Diahan Southard

5 years ago

This "After AncestryDNA" presentation was recorded at the Genealogy Gems booth at Rootstech 2018. While the audio quality isn't optimal, the content certainly is, so we have made it available here for those of your who were unable to attend.

When you already have a handle on your DNA results, here's what you can do to take the results further for more discovery. Learn how to take a closer look at your raw DNA data with Your DNA Guide Diahan Southard, DNA contributor to The Genealogy Gems Podcast.

Whether you have tested with AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, 23 and Me or Family Tree DNA, there's more you can learn from your DNA results. Learn how to download your raw data and transfer it to another DNA testing company.

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