Oz MSM | Then & Now Propaganda | #WeWontForget

1 year ago

Transcript https://pennybutler.com/oz-msm-propaganda-then-and-now/
Sky News, Sharri Markson
Dr. Nick Coatsworth https://twitter.com/nick_coatsworth
7 News
Chris Nemeth, now wheel-chair bound, 1st dose AZ
Prof. Paul Kelly, Chief Medical Officer
Tanya Neilson, Guardian Injury Law, helping Vax-Injured Australians receive compensation
7 News, "Get your boosters"
7 News, C19 Vaccine Claims Scheme has paid 147 people, $7.7 Million dollars
TalkTV, Piers Morgan
Robert Kennedy Jr. "I'm called anti-vaccine, because I want safe vaccines." "Covid vaccines were neither safe nor effective"
ABC News censors RKJ, Linsey Davis “We should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the Covid-19 vaccines.” ...
Dr Anthony Fauci "If I needed to see my family and I was vaccinated, and boostered, and the people that I were going to were vaccinated and boostered, I would not hesitate to go visit them. Right now, the easiest way to turn this thing around, is to get as many people vaccinated as you possibly can. "
ABC News praises Fauci (Linsey Davis)
ABC News censors RKJ (Linsey Davis)
Channel 9, Today, Allison Langdon 'Craig, we have seen deaths from Covid, we've seen sickness. We've seen mass job losses, hundreds of billions of dollars spent in government stimulus, all our hopes are riding on a vaccine. You need to be quiet,'
Channel 9, Today, Karl Stefanovic - gets jabbed live on TV, March 2021 https://twitter.com/karlstefanovic
- March 2022, 'I'm making this revelation on national TV—you can say whatever you want, but I've had my fill of vaccines. I know it's irresponsible and I shouldn't be saying it but I don't want it anymore,'
- Feb 2023, 'As you know, I'm not a glowing ambassador for more than two shots, I've had Covid a couple of times, and I'm done with the vaccines."
Got sent to me via Telegram: https://t.me/mrn_death/47820
But it's source is probably https://twitter.com/TheMilkBarTV/


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