Derek Prince explains the conflict between 2 spiritual forces!!

1 year ago

Derek Prince sermon: “As the elect of God, holy and beloved, we put on tender mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering, bearing with one another, and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. Even as Christ forgave us, so we also must do. But above all these things, we put on love, which is the bond of perfection, and we let the peace of God rule in our hearts to which also we were called in one body and we are thankful. We let the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord. And whatever we do, in word or deed, we do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Amen.”
In a certain sense, I want to say this closing message is a follow on from what I was talking about last night. Last night I spoke about the rise of the antichrist and I sought to give you an overall biblical picture of what kind of a person he will be, how he will operate and what he will do. I also told you that one of his three titles in the Bible is the wild beast.

Tonight I want to speak in that context about another kind of being who is the exact opposite, the Lamb. If you will look at the book of Revelation in this light, I think you will see that it represents a war between the Lamb of God and the wild beast. It’s interesting that the Lamb is mentioned twenty-eight times in the book of Revelation, and the wild beast is mentioned thirty-five times in the same book. In English the exact parallel is not clear but in the Greek of the New Testament there’s a very clear balance between these two titles because the Greek word for “the Lamb” is aleon, and the Greek word for “the wild beast” is here-eon. So they’re exactly similar in form. There’s a kind of balance in the book of Revelation in the revelation of the Lamb and the revelation of the wild beast.

Thinking over what I said last night, I thought I’ll try and think of a list of epithets that describe the wild beast. I came up with ten which I will read out to you. Cunning, deceitful, arrogant, boastful, vicious, cruel, treacherous, murderous, despotic and dominating. I think I’ll read the list again because I think we need to know what kind of a person we’re involved with. Cunning, deceitful, arrogant, boastful, vicious, cruel, treacherous, murderous, despotic and dominating.

I think it’s a little interesting that Yanka has come out with his book. If I can remember the three titles, they are manipulation, domination and control. You know what spirit that is? The spirit of the wild beast. He wasn’t writing his book—I haven’t read it—but he wasn’t writing about the future, he’s writing that book about situations and people that we confront in daily life. And furthermore, many of them are inside the church and not a few of them are in the ministry.

I say this because I want you to understand that we are in the midst of a conflict between two spiritual forces: the spirit of the wild beast and the Spirit of the Lamb. My personal opinion, I believe the Lord has made this clear to me, is that now is the time when we are making our decision. If we allow ourselves to be controlled by the spirit of the wild beast now, when he is actually manifested we will come under him. It will be too late then to say, “No, I don’t want that.” I hope you can understand what I’m saying. If I’m correct, we today by our attitudes and the way we live and the way we relate are determining our destiny because the world is going to be confronted with just a simple choice between the Lamb and the wild beast. And everybody who is not under the Lamb will be under the wild beast. And if you’re under the Lamb you’ll manifest the Spirit of the Lamb now and if you’re manifesting the spirit of the wild beast now, when he appears you’ll be one of his victims. You cannot change then. That’s why the way we live now in this end time is so critical. That’s why I believe it’s so important we understand the issues. One thing I’ve learned about the devil—and I think David (unintelligible) says the same thing—is what he hates most is to be exposed. What I’m seeking to do in the light of scripture is to expose him. I know he doesn’t like me. I’ll get on without his favor!

In Revelation 17:12–14, this war that I’m speaking about is actually described. I can’t go back into what I taught last night about the ten horns, et cetera, you’ll just have to start from there. Revelation 17:12 and following:

“And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful.”
So there is a clear statement of the war. This war is really one main theme of the book of Revelation. There is a war between the beast and those who are associated with him and the Lamb. Who is the Lamb? Jesus, that’s right.

You notice the kind of people that are with the Lamb? Do you see that? Those who are with Him have three descriptions: they’re called, they’re chosen and they’re faithful. You see, Jesus says many are called but few are chosen. A lot of people are invited and they may accept the invitation, but they don’t fulfill the requirements so they’re not chosen.

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