Bitcoin Conference: Justin Trudeau Is Going to Go Down as the Biggest Idiot Who Ever Ran a Country

1 year ago

Bitcoin Conference: Justin Trudeau Is Going to Go Down as the Biggest Idiot Who Ever Ran a Country

"I just got to thank Justin Trudeau one more time. He called me and my friends a terrorist a little over a year ago, and it really hurt me," expressed Nolan Bauerle.

And when I heard that [speech from RFK Jr.], it made it all worth it because that was the orange pill for what we just heard. And had Justin Trudeau not been the greatest Bitcoin evangelist the world has ever seen, we wouldn't be here right now listening to this," he continued.

"And one day, if it does happen, what we saw there, and he [RFK Jr.] promises to bring in your right to hold Bitcoin, self-custody, run a node, Justin Trudeau is going to go down in history as probably the biggest idiot that ever ran a country."


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