THE BLUE TRACTOR | IN THE FIELDS | Nursery rhymes and kids songs

1 year ago

This is the most watched educational video of all time! Come and see why! Your child will love the Blue Tractor, colours, animals, sounds and rhythms to sing and clap along to!

In the fields

In the fields

The blue tractor on big wheels

In its trailer

Someone's singing Very merry song.

You can guess and win! C'mon let's begin!

Guess who, guess who, Guess who, guess who, Singing merry song.

(Blue) Moo-moo-moo - cow (Red) Ba-ba-ba - sheep

(Green) Oink-oink-oink - pig (Orange) Woof-woof-woof - dog

(Yellow) Meh-meh-meh, Na-na-na - goat

(White) R-r-r, Roar - tiger

(Brown) Cock-a-doodle-doo - rooster (White) R-r-r, Roar - tiger

(Pink) Meow-meow-meow - cat

(Purple) Ribbit - frog

(Black) He-haw - donkey

(Grey) Neigh-horse

(Sky blue) Honk - goose

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