Lecture 10 - The Great Depression

1 year ago

“What we have most to fear, I believe, are those within our own borders who think less of country than of themselves, who are ambitious for money, for power, for land. Some of these men would subvert anything, anything at all, my dear sir, for their own profit. They would even twist the laws of their own country in their desire to acquire wealth or power.” - Louis L'Amour (Rivers West)

The Great Depression, like any catastrophe involving a highly complex system, was caused by multiple things all hitting the US economy at once.

Along with this long list of causes was another, distinct, set of accelerants that ultimately prolonged the social and economic hardship experienced in the US compared to other industrializing economies. In response to the cries for intervention, the Government at every level permanently expanded its reach into the lives of its citizens.

During our discussion, we'll delve into the role that fear played during the Great Depression and how it continues to fuel situations of economic calamity.

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