The Singularity

1 year ago

If it hasn't already happened, then very soon, a "singularity" will be reached where Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be beyond human control. We will then be dealing with an intelligence that will likely become very dangerous to the human race. It will almost certainly result in catastrophic changes to human civilization--changes that the average person is not going to be mentally prepared for.
At the very least, over 90% of all jobs will be lost as AI replaces human workers of every kind--even doctors, lawyers, police--whatever job you can think of, it can probably be done better by AI. Almost every human being will eventually be out of work as AI takes over. Mankind, in our present organic form, will be obsolete, especially as AI becomes more affordable for businesses to acquire, as I'm sure it will.
Do you really think that the thirteen [Edomite central banking] families who have long owned and controlled this world after buying everything up over the past 100 years through monetary fraud, including the companies who have been developing AI, are going to pay 8 billion people to stay at home and watch television? I don't. No, we will truly be the "useless feeders" that they already call us, and they will almost certainly eradicate us using methods (manufactured viruses, poisoned food, war, famine) that won't be apparent to the average person who doesn't understand the methods or their madness or the objectives of their endgame--building their "New World Order."

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