AQUARIUM AUTOMATION - ( Water change automation ,Light & co2 injection, Temperature monitoring)

1 year ago

This video is dedicated to the efforts of automating your aquarium maintenance tasks. As we become busy in our work and day to day activities and get less and less time for our hobbies, automating basic maintenance tasks can be an immense help. It not only saves our time.But, it provides a stable environment with consistent feeding, temperature & water parameters. In the world of planted aquariums, consistency is the key of success. HEnce I believe this video will inspire you all to automate your tank maintenance efforts as well. Automation is not only required to minimize our maintenance efforts. But, there are various occasions where automation or automated monitoring can be a life savior. Use of external temperature controller unit is such equipment. Inkbird temperature controller unit had been in hobby for many years. This video share details of how it can be used for our benefit in fish keeping hobby.

Video Of Automatic Water Change System -

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