WW3. Only The 144 will survive. Im done being messed with. Antichrist OWO be destroyed w/ humanity.

1 year ago

I do not own this music.

5/18-5/19/23. I got messed with, I ran divine infinite calculus, and I created what I needed for geo political warfare. Today unconsciously and later tonight consciously. Now Ukraine will be forced to push Russia to use nukes. Because of the Antichrist obsession with my 144,000 butthole to try to turn me in to a homosexual via pedo homo Nazi mind control against me kept in poverty 247 not allowed to work. So I used super consciousness via the language of God when getting messed with, soon rest will domino. No peace for ascension via gofundme?
Than war. The family of Michael will take on all of earth and the Ai Antichrist systems. And win.

This is the only variable I need to really push ww3 more.

In addition to ww3, I will be destroying the reptilian insectoid Antichrist collective so this insectoid demonic possession dragon moth entity can get out of my system and because they’re all messed up.

Earth will be pulled in to singularity.

I may be able to get it from the future.

I don’t care, too much evil happening to me made to look “self take out,” from nonstop mind control against me pedo homo Nazi SRA mind control. I advocate self defense.

If earth does not want an ascension master, than I’ll give you wrath of God.

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