Karate | Okinawan | hojo undo | chi'ishi (1)

1 year ago

Hojo undo or complementary exercises that are helpful in supporting and enriching the overall performance of karate techniques and general proficiency towards locomotion and strengthen specific skills.

A Chi'ishi (Chi'shi) is a so called power stone. A stick with on top stone/cement. With a Chi'ishi you can perform exercises that are meant mainly for training the upper body, in particular for the muscles of the forearm, upper arm and shoulder, as wel as the back, chest and trunk.
Because of the Chi'ishi's structure (strong lever effect), exercises are very suitable to train muscles that are used for keeping the Chi'ishi in balance.

In this video you will see some examples of exercises one can do with the Chi'ishi.

Performer Lex Opdam
Video was taken in Nijmegen, Netherlands, oktober 2020.

While these short video examples are freely accessible, they are intended for Martial Mindfulness practitioners. The context of the content is covered during the lessons and the examples shown are meant to support training.

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