Sonic Geometry: Eric Steven Rankin, Dr. Sharnael, and Craig Walker

1 year ago

There is geometry in the humming of the streams and music in the spacing of the spheres.
~ Pythagorus

We know there is sacred geometry in nature. We see it everywhere! But what do we HEAR? What about sound? In an inspired moment, Eric Steven Rankin downloaded the age-old idea of Sonic Geometry – the language of frequency and form. When in this quantum reality, we realize that everything is connected, and boundaries dissolve.

In his latest book, As Above, So Below, Eric compares quantum physics and sonic geometry to the teachings of Jesus. He demonstrates that Jesus was one of the first religious teachers to merge spirituality, science, faith, and logic. With a fresh perspective, this book makes the wisdom of Jesus accessible to all spiritual seekers, Christians and non-Christians alike.

Eric is a researcher in the fields of ancient cultures, religion, and physics. His findings have been featured on The History Channel and Gaia TV, and made available to millions through his podcasts, YouTube videos, lectures, workshops, and published scientific articles. He is most recognized for his discovery that elemental geometric shapes reveal specific musical harmonics, suggesting that the universe is a symphonic system resonating in mathematically perfect harmony with every aspect of itself.

Learn more at and his podcast Awakening Code Radio

Craig Walker is a musician, truther, and researcher of the esoteric. He plays drums for Nth Ascension and can be found at (Facebook: Nth Ascension Music). His YouTube channel is

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon is a naturopathic doctor, quantum scientist, linguist, and theologian, integrating these disparate wisdoms into one language of miracles. Her scientific approach has helped countless people Re-member TRUTH, Love, and purpose, transmute what does not serve them, and re-code their lives. Her extensive work can be explored at and

Tune in Thursday May 18th at 12:00 noon CST

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