Zoom Class 2023May25 and Class Available April

1 year ago

I want to let you know that we will be having class
1pm 2023May25 - Aspects and transfer of light


I will continue to teach and review the timeless teaching of Astrology as Arthyr asked me to.

We have great interactive learning experience this month.
- see below -
The class we will cover.
1. We will cover the horary chart for the class time.
2. Fixed stars that relate to the astrology of the coming month
3. Cover a current event in the world (applied horary quick read).
4. Review some of Arthyr's charts and Videos.
So today we're going to be covering some out-of-bounds planets Venus and Mars, and Saturn Aspects Dwads. Day and night charts. Taurus points and Transfer of light and many other things.
We'll cover this in more detail in class.

Also, Available 2023Apr27 class Receptive signs part2
is Available on the site.
Remember to log on to access your class

Alchemy Computer PMA All rights reserved

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