JUAN O SAVIN- Cars, Politics and Trumps Actions- Ethan Lucas *clipped* 5 18 2023

1 year ago

Some interesting topics that have new prospective. The first part is about the "pony" car the Mustang. I think Juan likes his Ford Cobra and wants to get back to the Classics. This has been a while since he has done a show with Ethan. And the end is where he mentions President Trumps Ties. This is a real interest for me as I did decodes on Melania's outfits on 107daily.com since the beginning of that platform. Here is the show that I put up on Trump in front of the Flag with no stars. https://rumble.com/v2m9pxi-juan-o-savin-gitmo-tribunals-spiritual-energy-ses-cog-5-4-2023-ultra.html
The picture on the Title Page of the Ethan Lucas Show ..the one he is referencing from Fox News. Trumps tie is knotted so you see the Red in the center of the knot and brings in the first stripe of red in a "arrow" formation. This is on the Navel Pendants decode which means "Take Proper or assigned Stations". As the CIC he just Commanded that everyone get ready and take their place "assigned" to them to extract the "heavy price" on the Deep State. It can also be seen as a "U" which is in Aircraft operations is "Uniform" the 21st letter of the Alphabet 3x7=21 (Trumps numbers when he was inaugurated on 1 20 2021- a Palindrome number- when he was 70 years 7 months and 7 days old) meaning INTERNATIONALLY "you are running into danger". If you are not military (or do not understand the danger or what your "station" is). The Knot is a Double Windsor and In Ian Fleming's novel From Russia, with Love, Chapter 25 is entitled "A tie with a Windsor knot". James Bond, traveling on the Orient Express, is met by a supposed fellow British agent, who wears "the dark blue and red zigzagged tie of the Royal Artillery, tied with a Windsor knot".

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