One Health: The CCP’s Trojan Horse

1 year ago

Is the “One Health” approach advanced by the World Health Organization merely “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems”? Or, is it a pretext for a W.H.O. power grab to exert control over virtually every aspect of life on earth? What is the history of this ideology? Could it be used to disrupt the physician / patient relationship? Could aiming to “sustainably balance” the health of humans, animals and ecosystems be used as a justification for moving humans away from rural areas and into cities, or repurposing agricultural land? Does implementation of “One Health” require a vast surveillance system that could readily be used to rob us of our freedom? What financial interests are driving “One Health”? Is the “One Health” agenda connected to the climate change agenda? Is the “call to ecological equity” – the belief that “all life is equal, and of equal concern” – in fact an ideology, or even a religion? Does the assertion that the life of a cockroach is equal in value to that of a human constitute a belief system the traditional religious belief that God uniquely created humans in His image and likeness? Is “One Health,” ultimately, an attack on traditional faith?

Co-Host and Moderator:

Frank Gaffney- Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Co-Chair, Stop Vaccine Passports Task force; Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition.

Brian O’Shea- Private investigator and security expert.
Topic: One Health: Global Public Health’s & The CCP’s Authoritarian Trojan Horse.

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