BMW 3-series driver under the influence of drugs does not stop for Swedish Police, gets arrested.

3 years ago

More of Active Driving Encopunters here:

-Sentenced to Gross Negligence in traffic and driving under the influence of narcotics

-Mandatory 1-3 months in prison but could be without prison because of young age

-Do not do drugs nor drive after using alcohol or drugs: this could be several days after exposed to the substance

-If you do not stop for the police the risk is that you will get the short end of a gun or teargas when you finally approach
the police officer

-I have also heard directly from a police that they can smash your window and drag you out of the car and you will get cut up
in the process (from the broken window) and all of this is legal in order to secure a what police may suspect is a dangerous
and drugged out driver which is a risk for people around him and also himself

-Thanks to the sources in the state who gave me this clip (you know who you are). Thanks!

BMW 3-series driver under the influence of drugs does not stop for Swedish Police, gets arrested.

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