Message to the US Air Force: Thank You For NOT Spraying Us Today!

1 year ago

Message to the US Air Force:
Thank You For NOT Spraying Us Today!
We The People of the United States of America and us at OurOneNation love and appreciate our great country – God’s creation. We love a natural blue sky as God intended. God knew what He was doing when he created our land and our world. Chemtrails have littered our sky over Boise for quite some time and it is not only noticeable, but annoying to know that these chemicals are upon us. The globalist leftists get their panties in a bunch over ‘climate change’ and green new deal hoax…yet we spray these chemicals (aluminum, barium, strontium) and fly the jets in ignorance of the supposed concern. And the local media – particularly channel 7- flat out ignores it, and the people’s inquiry and concerns.
Its high time we all become responsible and use common sense.
Enough of the false narratives, the agenda, the fake news media.
We want the truth, We need to get to America first again.
Thank you for NOT spraying our city today! It means a lot. We would love for you to stop spraying us and our land altogether. -Eric Hoff
Message to our readers, please post images of the spraying over your cities with the dates and times as well at information data for people to understand what they are seeing, and why.
#jettrails #chemtrails #chemicals #aluminum #strontium #barium #sky #dusting
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