Tales Of Narnia - The Last Battle | BBC RADIO DRAMA

1 year ago

Tales Of Narnia - The Last Battle | BBC RADIO DRAMA: Many Narnian years have passed since Eustace and Jill helped ensure the Royal line. But when they are jerked back violently into this strangest of lands they find the present King in danger and Narnia facing its darkest hour. With Eustace and Jill at his side, the King, the noble unicorn Jewel and a few remaining loyal subjects must stand fast against the powers of evil and darkness and fight the Last Battle to decide the future of this once glorious kingdom.
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BBC RADIO DRAMA: https://bit.ly/3HiWKv4
The Last Battle was a full-cast radio drama produced in 1997 as part of the Tales of Narnia series. It was produced and directed by John Taylor and dramatized for radio by Brian Sibley.

The Last Battle first aired in Britain on Sunday, March 2nd, 1997. Four 30 minute episodes were broadcast weekly by BBC Radio 4 from 2nd March, 1997 to 23rd March, 1997.

Maurice Denham - Professor Kirke
John Sessions - Shift
Timothy Spall - Puzzle
Paul Rhys - Tirian
Philip Jackson - Rishda Tarkaan
Marco Williamson - Eustace
Victoria Shalet - Jill
Tom Piccin - Peter
Peter England - Edmund
Ellie Beaven - Lucy
Stephen Throne - Aslan
Sylvester McCoy - Reepicheep
Norman Bird - Mr Tumnus
Mary Wimbush - Polly
Chris Pavlo - Jewel
Keith Drinkel - Roonwit
Janet Maw - Ginger
Christopher Scott - Poggin
Hugh Dickson - Farsight
Kim Wall - Emeth
Uncredited: Griffle, Diggle, Tash, and other animals
John Taylor - Producer
Peter Howell - Music, Sound Effects
(Elizabeth Parker did not contribute to The Last)

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