Heading OUT of SLAVERY and into the PROMISED LAND - Seeking Truth Always - Live Podcast - 5/18/23

1 year ago

On this edition of my 'Seeking Truth Always' Podcast, I will be sharing a few updates, but focusing this podcast primarily on God, Faith, and what His Word has already told us, proved to us, is showing us currently, and will do again. After all, HE is the SAME yesterday, today, and tomorrow and there is NOTHING new under the sun.

We are living through a time that virtually mirrors the time when the Hebrew people were set free. We are in the midst of being set free and we have to keep our eyes fixed on God and the people he’s using for such a time as this.

We are, indeed, heading into the Promised Land, coming out of slavery, and will forevermore be FREE as God created humanity to be.

Need some encouragement? Know anyone that does? If so, this is the podcast to watch and to SHARE.

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