$3 billion accounting error means the Pentagon can send more weapons to Ukraine

1 year ago

The Pentagon has admitted to an accounting error that has led to an overestimation of the value of weapons sent to Ukraine by at least $3 billion. This mistake could inadvertently benefit the war effort as it allows the Defense Department to provide more weapons to Ukraine without requiring additional funding from Congress.

The acknowledgment of this error comes at a crucial time when the Pentagon is facing mounting pressure from Congress to demonstrate transparency and responsibility in its allocation of billions of dollars’ worth of weapons, ammunition, and equipment to Ukraine.

Some lawmakers have raised concerns about the ongoing level of support and whether it should be sustained, the Associated Press reported.

"$3 billion accounting error means the Pentagon can send more weapons to Ukraine"
READ MORE: https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-costs-war-russia-weapons-884a9eefe32eee9ec611771cfe2a4642

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