A Near Death Experience from Chile

1 year ago

I was in Guilford for work and ended up going back for few months three times a week, working with me a friendly Chilean guy and we used to talk about everything being very similar in political and spiritual views, one day chit chatting about Spirituality and telling him about my experience with people that claimed to have had a Near Death Experience he tells me that his father had one years ago after a stroke and being in coma, the story is very similar to many others I read or heard from people I interviewed for my blog, the sense of peace and unconditional love, the light and the presence of others beings and the strong desire to stay but as many others having no choice and coming back, some people told me that they decided to coming back but many others after being told that wasn’t their time were sent back.

I lost the count of how many stories I read and heard by people that had it or knew someone else that had it , is something amazing, I didn’t experience it personally but in deep meditation had The opportunity to get in touch with entities that weren’t phisically in the room with me, it gives me a hint about what might be after we die or simply when our energies transform.

As one of my favourite sentences from the movie Cloud Atlas “Death is just a door”

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