Municipal Reform For Small Town Councils, Accountability and Transparency to the People

1 year ago

I am a municipal councilor out in Musgrave Harbour Newfoundland why had been evicted from their elected seat using collusion and targeted policies and procedures, that only I would most specifically be directly affected.

Please see the following snippets from the video, and listen for the more details.

My elected seat had been vacated after my fellow councilors leveraged, and weaponized the municipalities act, using a remote attendance policy with the stipulation that one could not be unvaccinated, as a reason they could not attend Council meetings in person, and require remote attendance accommodations through, Google meet, or telephone.

The government of Newfoundland and Labrador had a vaccination past policy in effect at the time, for about 3 months.

I had asked for a leave of absence, and the judge later had acknowledged that the Town Council had not considered my request for leave of absence, therefore voiding my due judicial process and violating my rights.

Because they did not consider my leave of absence, and combined with the vax pass and recording policy, they had created a situation that they knew full well would affect me, and only me.

I've come to find out though there is no process in place for a counselor to be reappointed, and I have been totally on my own to get reintegrated.

Reaching out to Municipal Affairs for guidance has borne unfruitful.

I have found out through the past year and a half, that Municipal Affairs is the administrative arm of the corporation of the corporation of the town.

It does not offer a counselor any advice beneficial, or useful to the counselor, except for referring to the municipalities act, the councils existing rules of procedure, and providing very, very general advice.

Specific answers such as, what would a counselor do, if they felt as though policies and procedures implemented by the Town Council are in opposition to the law of the land, such as Federal and provincial legislation.

The conversation with the director of Municipal Affairs was quite elusive.

At one point I almost lost communication with them, because they were complaining about the number of emails I was sending, all while, they are not answering my questions directly.

I've been advised through all of this and feel strongly, that small town municipalities have no overseeing body, except for the official processes in place, that could result in fines, legal action, or negative results.

So. in essence, because these small towns don't have human resources, and councilors aren't supposed to meddle in the way of office procedures, the individuals who run the office, have no boss, and do whatever they feel is appropriate with the bias of Municipal Affairs influencing the inner workings, with no regard to the individual.

The people in charge of small-town municipalities interpret things in ways that are personal to them and their experiences. They consult Municipal Affairs who do not have their best interests in mind, but rather the long-lived corporation, they are given general advice, then are left to take care of the resulting mess by themselves.

I have found that bad advice has been offered to the town many times.

So, basically, they're being puppets to the lawyers, Municipal Affairs, and the general self-lead interpretation of the municipality act, combined with the rules of procedure created by the council themselves, and any supporting legislation such as the counselors code of conduct, which has been recently implemented in Newfoundland.

If the individuals in charge of a town, which could be just one person, who runs the place, has no body invested in their well-being, and if that person advises the Council on the communications from the bodies that are interacting with them, that individual holds great power in the perception of individuals their intentions and the decisions or interpretations of the feedback from these bodies, that is a lot for one person to handle.

Councilors have no one to ask questions, no one to be the one of accountability, and no sustaining vision for the corporation and town.

Not even the mayor would know all the details, and looks to the clerk or manager for advice on facts as is seen by them and their knowledge.

The town manager knows all the rules, interprets the legislation, knows all the secrets of the trade, where all the skeletons are hidden, and holds utmost opinion of the impact of actions on those rules.

My platform for election was and is tourism, Municipal reform, transparency accountability and creating community viability through a money engine, sort of like an economic development board, to help process charitable funds through the town to create infrastructure such as a community garden, beach mats, floating ocean wheelchairs, or other community-oriented ideas. Rinse and repeat every year, and share this concept with other communities.

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