Karol Markowicz: ‘Ultimate Revolutionaries’ - How The Woke Regime Indoctrinates Kids | TEASER

1 year ago

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“This happened in a red enclave, in a red hamlet, in a red town, in a red county. I need these people to understand that this could happen anywhere.”

New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz was a self-described “New York supremacist,” having spent all of her life in the Big Apple. But she uprooted her family to Florida after the coronavirus pandemic opened her eyes to what she saw were “Soviet patterns” across American culture.

“I saw very clearly, for the first time, that even free people can act like authoritarians and turn on their neighbors at a moment's notice.” says Markowicz.

She considers these patterns part of a larger cultural revolution sweeping the nation, in which woke institutions are increasingly separating children from their families, whether it be through the indoctrination of gender ideology, critical race theory, or pandemic measures.

“If parents see this kind of thing going on, where somebody's asking their kid to keep a secret from them, I think they should imagine for themselves what else is happening,” says Markowicz, who is the co-author, with Bethany Mandel, of the new book, “Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation.”

“The woke are a very small segment of the population. And yet, they're able to control so much, and they do that through this forced conformity,” says Markowicz. “When we treat kids like little adults, we instill all of our problems and issues on them. And that really does mess them up going forward.”

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Karol Markowicz: ‘Ultimate Revolutionaries’ - How The Woke Regime Indoctrinates Kids

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