Sword Coast Legends 12: Rescuing Brynn to Side Quests of Luskan

1 year ago

Brynn is Bellamy's sister and a Ranger with access to her NPC specific CC and defensive spells. I'm building her as an elemental archer with CC spells and a ranger pet. I didn't learn until after picking her skills though that her spells scale off her INT, not her WIS or CHA, as you might think, since her INT starts at 10. It's a weird choice, but whatever. We finish rescuing her, do her sidequest and make our way to a creepy temple.

The boss fight with Jessia can be cheesed in one of two ways: Have Brynn tank and murder since she's invincible or have Hommet land Hold Monster.

00:00 Start (Setting up Hommet)
04:30 Gilded Eye Dungeon's Dungeon
24:20 Boss: Jessia
28:20 Finishing Dungeon (Solasta Talk)
38:00 Equipping and Leveling Brynn (and others)
1:09:50 Finding Guildmates
1:31:10 Inexplicable Zombies and Fish
1:36:40 Brynn's Sidequest
2:12:40 Succubus Boss Fight
2:24:00 To Soronil, End of Session at Temple of Ghaundadaur

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