Interview 470 with Edward "Eddie" Marella

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Edward "Eddie" Marella was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on June 6, 1961.
He was the son of an ltalian American family who resided in Quincy, Massachusetts.
His family owned and operated a successful real estate business in the SouthShore. Eddie, a licensed real estate agent, worked in the family business for 27years. He also kept active and involved in many other businesses and community
activities while working in the real estate industry.
At the age of 17, he became a small business owner of the "Razor's Edge," a hair styling shop in Quincy, MA. Eddie dedicated a large amount of his time and effort into providing hair care services to the sick, needy, and elderly in Quincy and the
South Shore area.Early in Eddie's life, he experienced several life-changing events that forever Impacted the way he viewed his future approach to life and religion.
At the age of 12, while visiting his dying grandmother, he witnessed his
grandmother is going through a near death experience. This was an overwhelming
sight for him, especially after upon awakening, she explained her experience to
A few grandmother years later did. litte did he know that he would directly experience what
At the age of 15, Eddie was in a severe motorcycle accident and was assumed dead by bystanders who saw the accident and were trying to help. This horrific accident and the near- death experience that he went through would forever change his life and strengthen his religious beliefs. Later in life, he again met with another serious and life- threatening accident while swimming in Cape Cod. He was violently swept under an 18 ft. wave and somehow was miraculously savedand washed ashore unharmed.
As if these death- defying experiences weren't enough, years later, Eddie
defeated his bout with pre-cancer. Owing his survival to his strong faith in Jesus
Christ and a newly discovered way of being nourished, he studied the findings of
a physician at the Mass General Hospital and started juicing. After many years of
research and experimentation, he formulated what appeared to be the perfect
combination of healthy fruits and vegetables. In his mind, it helped cure his
cancer and continues to keep him cancer free in addition to keeping a healthy
weight and a strong immune system.
Eddie became an expert in juicing formulations and now provides juice to his
friends and family. The health benefits are staggering, according to Eddie. He
wants to ultimately extend his knowledge to others with the hope of helping them
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