18May23 OpenAI & Senators Lay Plans for AI Oligarchy as Altman Plans Iris-Scanning Global ID/Crypto

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Creating AI World Governance: OpenAI CEO & Senators Agree on Partnership Senators & Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI agree that there needs to be new FDA-style agency to create an oligarchy and public/private partnership for AI control. All the worst aspects of regulatory capture combined with the worst aspects of Silicon Valley censorship and narrative control (2:11)

OpenAI CEO Altman is weeks away from rolling out a global ID/cryptocurrency to implement UBI (Universal Basic Income) with biometric iris scanning. Will this be the path to global governance and Mark of the Beast? (27:21)

The two "problems" WorldCoin solves according to its creators (38:06)

Bilderberg Begins. A quick history. Are they working on a Global Version of Euro? (41:19)

Soros Chaos. Why is everyone shielding this billionaire and his plans for chaos (shutting down law enforcement with his District Attorneys) with baseless charges of anti-semitism? Why wouldn't Jewish groups want to distance themselves from this malevolent criminal? (51:57)

Target alone will lose $1.2 BILLION this year due to Soros Chaos. And now the thieves are getting increasingly violent (1:09:08)

Supreme Court declines to block Illinois assault ban. Here's what's next (1:12:35)

Republican Gov Lee will call a special session to twist TN Republican members' arms on gun control and radical agitators are planning to "bird-dog" GOP legislators. (1:16:50)

Establish GOP and Trump say abortion is NOT the hill to die on. They're wrong. Are either of them worth a single baby's life? (1:26:36)

More leaks from Rudy Giuliani lawsuit: "Get over Passover. It was 3,000 years ago. The Red Sea parted. Big deal. It's not the first time that happened." Jerusalem Post calls him anti-semitic then takes its turn attacking the Torah. Rudy & the Post have more in common than they realize (1:47:07)

Titanic As Never Seen Before How was it done, what can we learn? (1:56:55)

INTERVIEW Crime & Immigration Problems Aren't What You're Told Is the justice system racist? Is there overpunishment? A look at the numbers and the history by Barry Latzer PHD (Professor of Criminal Justice at John Jay College), author of "The Myth of Overpunishment: A Defense of the American Justice System and a Proposal to Reduce Incarceration While Protecting the Public" (2:05?49)

New research: Common Cold could give immunity to SARS
Whistleblower: UK's NHS gave hospitals incentives to label deaths as Covid when they weren't. (2:54:18)

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