Surrendering In Motherhood Podcast Episode #62: "Let's Stop Claiming Busy As Our Default"

1 year ago

This week, we continue talking about the labels we claim over our lives. This topic is a big one -- BEING BUSY. Are we busy, or are we running? Are we busy, or are we chasing? Are we busy, or are we making idols out of the things of this world. We have to realize that we are to work FROM rest. There are seasons for everything, of course. We weren't made to be going a million miles an hour 24/7. Take a look at the pace of Jesus. If we are called to be Christ-like, we have to be willing to set our pace apart from the world. We don't have to worry. We don't have to hurry. God gives us the grace and strength to do all things that HE has called us to.

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