Higher Level Prepping Mistakes & Complacency

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Preparing for short-term disaster scenarios is easy, and most of us have that figured out, but what about the longer term disasters?

The reality of survival and the truth of how prepared we might be, are usually quite different than the picture we have in our heads. While we might get a nice cozy feeling thinking that we can handle any disaster that comes our way, that won't do us any favors in an actual survival situation.

In tonight's live stream, I want to touch on an article I came across that goes over some mistakes preppers make on their way to a higher level of preparedness.

I also want to talk about prepper complacency because that's a mistake all preppers make at one point or another. While it's human nature to let our guard down occasionally, we can't fall asleep at the wheel.

Prepper Mistakes On The Way To Higher Level Preparedness https://modernsurvivalblog.com/prepping-level-4/prepper-mistakes-on-the-way-to-higher-level-preparedness/

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