PUT YOURSELF ON THE PEDESTAL💗 silent reiki light weaving for self love and fulfillment | 528hz

1 year ago

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This light language transmission is channeled with the intention to assist you in harnessing the power of self love. Find emotional security within through radical acceptance and forgiveness. Increase your self confidence and put yourself on the pedestal, helping you manifest your desires.

#lightlanguagehealing #lightlanguagesinging #lightlanguagesong #10minutereiki #reiki #energyhealing #meditation #meditationmusic #meditate #highestself #777 #999 #888 #divineluck #manifestmiracles #surrender #fear #embracechange #fearofchange #thegreatsurrender #spiritualwarfare #soulresonace #jazofspace #freewill #consiousness #consciousmind #subconscious #subconsciousmind #notalkingasmr #notalkingrelaxingasmr #6minutereiki #codes #lightcodes #lightcodetransmission #earth #grounded #groundingtechniques #selflove #heartchakra #528hz

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