How KJV Corruption is Dispelled: Counter Exposure by a Superstitious Belief In Inspired Translations

1 year ago

KJV fans want us to think it is wrong to trace how BIAS and CORRUPTION is necessarily more rampant the further away you get from the original texts. As a result, the gospels of the 100s to 300s, or early quotes in the 60s through 100s are deemed inferior to heavily corrupted modern translations issued by a royal authority whose political force is being used to vindicate corrupt partisan 'translators.' So all the voices of honest Christian commentators we quoted in the prior episode like Smith and Knight -- who spoke against the partisan nature of the KJV translation -- is dismissed and even portrayed as anti-God. KJV corruption has thus corrupted the minds and spirits of many Christians to embrace and rationalize fraud.

See our KJV related video from yesterday:

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