building codes created climate change

1 year ago

did you know building codes and government regulations dictate how a building is built, and anyone who was to try to build an efficient building would be criminally charged and the building torn down?

indeed building codes dictated by subjugated municipalities intentionally build buildings as inefficient as possible so corporations can profit off of the energy needed to heat and cool the buildings.

Everyone claims EV's are going to crash the electrical grid, but the truth of the matter is Capitalism's subjugation of government has intentionally built buildings and homes and even cars to be as inefficient as possible so they use as much energy as possible for as much profits as possible.

step outside of the box "they" put you in and consider that with very little effort or thought buildings can be built so they don't need hardly any energy to heat and cool the buildings if they were built like modern windows are, with layers and insulators to isolate the cold and hot temperatures outdoors so the energy doesn't escape in and out of buildings, so then building would only need a small fraction of the energy to heat and cool the building.

Yesterday the local power company broke all records for energy use bc of people trying to keep their homes and buildings cool in these extreme heat domes caused by climate change brought on by man's greed.

Also in the news in our community is the local theater is left with a $8500 gas bill

Locally I'm talking to clients who want woodstoves installed in their homes bc their electricity costs are $600 bi-monthly on average, some as high as $2000-3000, even though most of British Columbian's electricity comes from hydroelectric dams that have existed for 100 years. Though through lobbying and manipulation of government, they're allowed to charge criminal prices.
In Europe, because of the war in Ukraine, the cost of electricity and gas has skyrocketed to insane costs, with many people going back to burning coal to keep warm in the extremely cold winter temperatures. In the summer thousands of people die from heat bc they can't cool their poorly built homes.

the pure evil of it all is almost incomprehensible, though bc of the extreme weather events fueled by corporate addiction to fossil fuels for no other reason than continual increase of profits, its a reality millions are struggling to deal with.

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