Toxic railway tie burning

1 year ago

back in 2010 there was a company that rolled into Kamloops BC that intended to first shred railway ties into tinny pieces, then burn the shredded shit in mills.

The BC Ministry of Environment partnered with this company, backing them up with the fabricated science, saying the railway ties were "carbon neutral bc they were wood, regardless of the fact railway ties are pressure treated in a super toxic oil sludge from tar sands to preserve them.

during our communities fight to oust them, several train engineers joined our fight, testifying that toxic chemicals from railcars would also leak onto the tracks, some even testified that they saw dear stumbling near the tracks from eating the vegetation nearby.

We were successful in chasing the company from our community of Kamloops, though they ran away with their tale tucked between their legs, they simply moved up the road to Prince George BC and set up shop, where they were welcomed with open arms by the bureaucrats in that community. People of PG were not informed, no one in the community what was going on.
Now years later I found out from someone working at a local mill that they were delivery railway ties to be burnt without anyone in the community being informed or even knowing it was going on.

I started thinking like the devil they are, I realized that they were shredding these ties in PG and that if I were the devil I wouldn't be able to burn the thousands of railway ties in one mill due to the huge amounts of smoke it would produce, I realized that there are shipping these shredded up toxic crap to all the mills across BC and probably Canada to be burnt a little at time, usually on weekends and on cloud covered days as to not raise suspicion.

I did a Freedom of Information request and did receive some limited information that confirmed my suspicions.

I've talked to several people who've worked at different mills and they had indeed confirmed that even today "they" are indeed bringing toxic shredded railway ties in these local mills in truckloads to be burnt.

At the same time, with the same breath, these soul-selling government agents have labeled residential woodstoves as the worst polluter of all, and this includes in the summer and shoulder season when no one is burning any woodstoves. meanwhile, these mills smoke 24/7/365 with MOE blessing and whitewash of the reality communities all across Canada are experiencing.... of course, they've created "immunity "Acts"" that make it so not one of them can be held liable, and no one can use the courts to stop them.

what a sick evil world these people have created.

Truly, the Devil is in the details :(

PS...there is a way to send them all to Hell no one has tried yet;

consider every public servant is acting for a government, that government is legally a "person" under the law, though a "legal fiction" dead souless entity, they are still required to have two things.

the first is a bond for indemnity from a third party provider

the second is a license that proves their competence and provides them with a "scope of office" which outlines what they legally can and can not do.

by getting this information, then filing a notice and demand with their third party indemnifier it puts the onus back on the people they are indemnifying.

before you drag them to court, you must always try to settle out of court. this is the silver bullet that can be used to kill corporations.

in the end what we need to do is Nationalise Canada's resources so communities control the narrative, the reality.

I need your help, I can't do it alone.

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