So, You Think You Can Interpret Blood Tests?

1 year ago

So, You Think You Can Interpret Blood Tests? Coach Dan Garner

About 15 years ago a phenomenon occurred. Blood analysis and saliva analysis laboratories popped up, and people could start ordering their own blood work. What was previously only available to physicians was now available to anybody. A new cottage industry occurred. People with modest knowledge, position themselves to start to advise people on what good blood work was and what bad blood work was. Average people started calling themselves practitioners or functional medicine advisers, and started ordering bloodwork on behalf of their clients and interpreting their blood work. Fast forward to today we have personal trainers people who proposed to be a nutritionist and the like ordering bloodwork and interpreting it for their clients. But do they really know what they’re talking about? Do they really interpret your bloodwork? Or do they just go over standard epidemiological end points that really don’t tell you anything about you personally? Today we will find out.

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