The PPC, Abortion, & Maxime Bernier = Political Suicide

1 year ago

Maxime Bernier just ended any chance at getting elected in Portage La Prarie. By announcing his plan to re-open the debate on abortion, he has made himself an easy target for his opponents to vilify both himself and the People's Party.
A list of things more important to Canadian voters other than abortion:
1) Addressing homelessness.
2) Addressing a sensible plan for reducing drug addiction.
3) Standing up against interference from globalist institutions such as the World Health Organization.
4) Reducing the tax burden on Canadians. (Carbon Tax on gasoline)
5) Preventing crime - increased restrictions on repeat offenders etc.
6) Attracting foreign investment & job creation.
7) Reducing government spending on unproductive, ideologically motivated and divisive policies.

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