Former Apple employee Weibao Wang risks up to ten years in jail for each trade secret violation

1 year ago

5/16/2023 【DOJ Press Conference】If found guilty of stealing trade secrets from Apple, former Apple employee Weibao Wang risks up to ten years in jail for each violation. The focus and efforts of the Disruptive Technology Strike Force in countering the CCP's theft of sophisticated technology and safeguarding innovation in Silicon Valley are gratifying!
#CCP #technologytheft #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/16/2023 【美国司法部新闻发布会】苹果前雇员王伟宝(音译)窃取苹果公司的商业机密如果被定罪,每项违法行为最高可面临十年监禁。美国的“颠覆性科技特别工作组”对打击中共偷窃高科技、确保硅谷创新方面的关注和投入的精力令人感到欣喜!
#中共 #科技盗窃 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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