SWN 17May23 - Harpootlian’s Motion claims Satterfield’s million $$$ unjust enrichment harms real Murdaugh victims

1 year ago

Attorneys for Alex Murdaugh finally get around to addressing "The Elephant In The Room"... a.k.a. the shaky legal quicksand Eric Bland is now drowning in... and Bland is sucking Tony Satterfield down in the process.

Poor Tony just can't catch a break.

Tony goes from conspiring - on some level - to commit insurance fraud with Alex Murdaugh (who is a tragic, long-term opioid-addict, desperate to fund his 20-year drug addiction) - to this guy - Eric Bland - who appears to be nothing more than a sleazy, media-obsessed carnaval-huckster. Eric Bland was originally endorsed by Mark Tinsley and FITSNEWS. Wonder how long that's going to last.

As this High-Dollar lowcountry GRIFT unravels I suspect that Will Folks will throw Eric Bland under the bus ASAP.
Folks is going to have to delete two years of Fitsnews content to distance himself from his ferocious support of Bland's grift. Those grifters deserve each other and what coming to them.

Here are some key points to consider:
Dick Harpootlian's May 16, 2023 Motion to Vacate Alex Murdaugh's $4.3 million confession of judgment paints a clear picture of what Eric Bland knew about the unreliable - frankly unbelievable claims Alex Murdaugh made...e.g. that Gloria Satter tripped over Murdaugh's dogs while she was at Moselle to pick up a check for work Gloria had done elsewhere, for someone other than Murdaugh.

Sure, that seems believable!!!

Actually, no it doesn't, and even a 6 year-old can see it for "insurance fraud."

The insurance company never believed that lie, neither did I, and as my regular viewers know, I've reported on this insurance fraud since October of 2021.

Harpootlian's latest motion makes the strong clear case the Eric Bland has involved Tony in a scheme to monetize Bland's inside knowledge of Murdaugh's struggles. Not sure how far over the line Bland went, but I think he can kiss his license to practice law goodbye. He might even be looking at jail time...which at this point seems appropriate.

Bottomline, Satterfields were unjustly enriched by Palmetto State Bank, Bank of America and others, who paid millions to the "Eric Bland /Tony Satterfield Grift." That money - millions of dollars - should have been repaid to the insurance companies harmed by Murdaugh.

The $4.3 million dollar confession of judgment was a step too far...it effectively robs Murdaughs real victims.

Elaine Greenwood

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